Blog > Gut Health

Why do we eat ?

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Why do we eat? Is it to fill in the lunch hour? Or for pleasure such as comfort foods, is it a habit or simply just to fill our stomachs? Or do you eat to nourish your body? Which one did you select?

If you chose any of the first four then the chances of becoming ill is a real risk. As Don says in his book โ€œHave you got the guts to be really healthy, we are not what we eat, we are what we absorbโ€ and if we are absorbing rubbish then what chance have our cells got to be healthy?

Our cells need nutrition in order to survive

The real need to eat is to get the goodness/nutrients from the food to feed our cells. Our cells need nutrition in order to survive. If nutrients cannot be extracted from food, then there is little chance of nutrients getting to the cells where they are needed. Without nutrients getting to the cells, there is little chance that the body can do the necessary repairs it needs to do every moment of every day.

But how do we get nutrients to our cells? Answer: By absorbing nutrients from food.

We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb

Selecting organic, fresh nutrient rich foods is essential for our cells to have a good chance of replicating other healthy cells.

Our bodies ability to get nutrients from the food we eat relies on our bodies ability to absorb nutrients from food. If our gut is compromised and our body is under stress from environmental factors this can affect our bodies ability to absorb. Even a good diet struggles if the gut has been compromised. A healthy gut increases the potential of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids being of benefit to your overall health.

Are we just eating waste product?

If we are eating foods with no nutritional content not only are we just eating waste product we could be doing damage to our good bacteria such as; foods high in sugar and chemically laced with artificial ingredients including flavours and preservatives. With reduced nutrients getting to the cells, disease will begin to set in and we will automatically become ill in the process.
We should consume food to extract its goodness and convert it to energy. So if there is no goodness to extract it stands to reason that we will begin to enter into a state of malnutrition. Obesity is malnutrition.

Hunger is a sign that the body needs nutrition but it can also mean the body needs hydration. Often we are not hungry but thirsty and hydration is more essential than food. You cannot live very long without water but you can survive a long time without food which means you can live on junk for a long time before the detrimental effect will show its ugly head.

Now the choice is up to you as you can gamble on eating junk until it affects you, or you can make the choice to eat a more positive diet that in the long run will keep you healthy into your later years.

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