If you are newly transitioning into a healthy lifestyle and ditching the junk the first thing you simply must do is make a batch of gelatine gummies.
These nutrient dense little morsels are nutritiously renowned for their many positive health giving benefits. Gelatine contains amino acids proline and glycine the producers of collagen, improving skin elasticity, strengthening hair and nails and repairing bone and muscle tissue.
We are all about improving gut health and gelatine does just that, restores a damaged gut lining and strengthens an impaired gut barrier. In addition to promoting a healthy gut, gelatine has the potential to reduce inflammatory conditions in the body such as arthritis and osteoporosis and is an excellent source of protein essential for growing kids, elderly and those who are physical active. It’s like a home made chewable vitamin minus the additives and artificial colours and flavours.
2 cups frozen raspberries
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup
1/4 cup grass fed gelatine powder
In a small food processor or blender blend together raspberries, lemon and maple syrup until liquid consistency. Transfer to pot and whisk in gelatine powder. Turn on medium heat and stir until gelatine has dissolved. Pour into a greased baking dish/glass container or silicon moulds and refrigerate until set. This takes about 4-6 hours, best kept in the fridge overnight. Pull gummy slice out of container and cut into approx 3x3cm pieces or pop out of moulds, keeps refrigerated for up to 10 days. For best results eat 2 gummies per day.
These are an excellent afternoon sweet when snack attack strikes, great in kids lunches and eaten on an empty stomach for best results.
The best quality gelatine is sourced from humanely raised grass fed animals, a brand such as Great Lakes Grass Fed Unflavoured Gelatine which can be found online or through your local health food store.