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Is your water safe to drink?

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Because most tap water contains ingredients that do not enhance your health or hydration! Many people drink abundant amounts of water, yet they are not hydrated. Drinking water does not necessarily mean you will be hydrated. Similarly to eating good food does not necessarily mean the cells are getting their nutrients either. One has to drink water of quality—water is a living thing and can be destroyed, just as food can be destroyed and contaminated with chemicals and preservatives.

Our body needs water to grow, heal and survive.

Water is nature’s most important building block and it is essential for all life-building processes. Yet so many take our life giving water for granted!

Our bodies are filled with water carrying out many daily functions that keep our cells alive so it’s imperative that we nourish it with good quality water.

Our bodies are 90% water

With water making up a large part of our body it is wise to drink water that will replenish our bodies, not poison them anymore.
Good water filters are essential if you rely on town water.SHOP WATER FILTERS

Drinking quality water

So, what exactly is good quality water? There is a common misconception that drinking tap water is considered a good way to hydrate and that naturally occurring fluoride keeps our teeth healthy. But although tap water may appear to be clean it’s mostly contaminated with…
chlorine – kills of our essential gut bacteria
fluoride – calcifies the pineal gland.
lead – exposure to high levels of lead may cause anemia, weakness, kidney & even brain damage
pesticides – health effects may include respiratory issues, eye and skin irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, loss of consciousness, seizures and even death
herbicides – health effects include stinging eyes, rashes, blisters, blindness, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea.
arsenic – long-term exposure to arsenic from drinking-water & food can cause cancer and skin lesions.
radioactive particles – high level of radiation exposure can cause symptoms such as nausea & vomiting.
mercury – symptoms include tremors, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular effects, headaches and cognitive and motor dysfunction
These ingredients are then sucking the energy out of our water with dire health effects. Not to mention the other chemicals that are used to balance out the water.

Many functions in the body such as delivering important nutrients to our cells therefore oxygenating our body, maintaining optimal organ function, temperature regulation, supporting digestion, hydrating skin, flushing body waste and much more. And don’t think that those drinks made with water are counting towards your hydration level. Tea and coffee are commonly referred to as ‘diuretics’ increasing the release of water from our body leaving us to become dehydrated. Not to say one shouldn’t be consuming tea and coffee but to make sure that you are replenishing what is lost to avoid dehydration.

So, to regain the most nutritional value out of our water we must first remove all the chemicals using a quality filter to take out as many contaminants as possible whilst leaving all the valuable minerals intact. This will provide our body with an effective tool in nourishing and healing our bodies. If you’re unsure about what water filter may be best our website covers a range of different systems to best suit your needs SHOP WATER FILTERS

“We can live for up to 2 months without food but only 3 days without water”

Water infusions from Vee 

If you don’t like the taste of plain water, then an infusion may be for you! The combinations are endless and great for those who struggle to drink enough water. The goal of infused water is to assist in helping you drink more water overall and enjoy the health benefits of being properly hydrated.

  • 1L filtered water
  • 1 cup chopped fresh strawberries
  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 lemon peeled and sliced
  • 1L filtered water
  • 1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
  • 1 lime peeled and sliced
  • 6 fresh mint sprigs
  • 1L filtered water
  • 1 cup chopped watermelon
  • 1 lemon peeled and sliced

Simply combine all the ingredients into a large jug with a lid. Infusing the night before is best so that by morning the flavours have had time to combine and chilled ready for your enjoyment! Fruits can be left in the water for up to 24 hours, however I do recommend removing them after that time as the water can get bitter. The infused water will then store for a further 3 days.Water is life so stay hydrated!

With Love,
Nuferm Team


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